Teaching Assistant - Natural Language Processing
Graduate Course, GIST, AIGS, 2022
This cource gives comprehensive lectures and projects about NLP. (All materials have been kept strictly confidential.)
Chapter 0. Preparation
03/03 Lecture 1. Course Introduction
03/03 Lecture 2. Programming Language Basics for Project
Chapter 1. Background of AI
03/08 Lecture 3. Overview of AI
03/10-03/15 Lecture 4. Problem Solving
03/17 Lecture 5. Model Representation
03/22-03/31 Lecture 6. Optimization & Generalization
04/05 Lecture 7. Evaluation
04/07-04/14 Lecture 8. Probabilistic Modeling
Bayesian Network
Markov Random Field
04/19-04/21 Lecture 9. Logic Modeling
Predicate Calculus
Inductive Logit Programming
Mid-term exam -> Replaced to Lab 2 Project
Chapter 2. Statistical Relational Learning
04/26-04/28 Lecture 10. Overview of SRL
Hyperplane-based Modeling - Neural Networks
Why SRL?
05/03-05/12 Lecture 11. Integration of Logic and Probability
Bayesian Logic Programming
Markov Logic Network
Logic Modeling: Basics
Logic Modeling: Formal Grammar
Probabilistic Context Free Grammar
Chapter 3. Natural Language Processing
05/17-05/26 Lecture 12. Overview of Natural Language Processing
Linguistics Essentials + More Terms
NLP Problems and Their Relations
05/31 Lecture 13. Language Model
06/02 Lecture 14. Machine Translation
06/07 Lecture 15. Question Answering
06/09 Lecture 16. Conversational System
06/14 Final-Term Exam
- Date: June 14, 2022
- Time: 10:30 a.m ~ 11:45 a.m.
- Venue: EECS C2 B101
- Exam: Whole lectures. No coding assignment contents.
Project contents introduce basic practical knowledge different to the contents of the lectures. To cover the simple knowledge and programming issues, we will have 6 lab times in this semester (in our class time, no additional lab times are assigned.)
- Lab 0, 1, 2, 3 : will be uploaded every 2 weeks
- Lab 4, 5 : will be uploaded every 3 weeks
CHECK the key date of each assignment: (To be uploaded; Q&A Session; Deadline)
- To be uploaded: the slide and video about the introduction of Lab N will be upload on time (not real-time). You can start from this date.
- Q&A Session: interactive Q&A Session will be held on time (on Zoom meeting; real-time).
- Deadline: you should submit your assignment before the deadline
Lab 0 - Environmental Settings (slide, video) [0%]
- Schedule: (03.10; 03.15; No deadline)
- Links: (kaggle, github) (In this assignment, no links)
- Materials:
- How to Use Colab (Machine Setting (Google Colab)/ guide for getting started)
- How to Use GIST SW Center GPU Machine (user manual kor / eng) (Official video and document from SW Center) (GPU Server Specifications: 1 GPU; 3 CPU; 12GB RAM; 100GB HDD
- How to submit your code and results (Kaggle / Github Repository)
Lab 1 - Representation of Symbolic Data (no slide, video) [10%]
- Schedule: (03.24; 03.29; 04.06 23:59 KST)
- Links: (kaggle pb1, pb2 / github)
- Materials: Please see the materials on Github classroom
Lab 2 - NLP data preparation (slide, video) [10%; mid-term project]
- Schedule: (04.07; 04.12; 04.20 23:59 KST / 04.20 14:59 UTC)
- Links: (kaggle, github)
- Materials: Please see the contents on kaggle and the slide
Lab 3 - Problem Formulation (slide, video) [10%]
- Schedule: (04.21; 04.26; 05.04 23:59 KST / 05.04 14:59 UTC)
- Links: (kaggle pb1, pb2 / github)
- Materials: Please see the contents on Kaggle and the Slide
Lab 4 - Encoder-Decoder Implementation (slide, video - part1, 2) [10%]
- Schedule: (05.06; 05.12; 05.25 23:59 KST / 05.25 14:59 UTC)
- Links: (kaggle, github)
- Materials: Please see the contents on kaggle and the slide
Lab 5 - Transformer Implementation (slide, video) [10%]
- Schedule: (05.26; 05.31; 06.15 23:59 KST / 06.15 14:59 UTC)
- Links: (kaggle, github)
- Materials: Please see the contents on Kaggle and the Silde